Global Citizenship or Aesthetic Perspectives

Music 331: History of Music I

I have always loved music, whether that is participating in musical theater or rocking out to my favorite albums in my car. However, I have never really investigated much about music’s extensive history, especially not that of medieval and renaissance periods. For this reason, I was both excited and apprehensive to take this class. It was exciting to learn about things that I had no previous knowledge about, pushing me outside of my comfort zone. It is really interesting to look at how much music and artistic expression have evolved from the beginning of time, growing into something that is a part of my daily life.

The following paper reflects on the life of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his impact on the development of music. I had known of Mozart before this class, but I never fully understood why he was such an impactful influence in the world of music. This paper was very eye-opening and a great learning experience. It also helped to develop my research and writing skills. There were many research components to add to this paper, which challenged and grew my skills as a student. I have been able to carry the skills that I acquired during the writing of this paper into my other classes.