Aesthetic Expressions

Theatre 101: Issues in Theatre

I was very excited that this class was an option for me to complete my Aesthetic Expressions pillar, as I was heavily involved in theatre throughout high school.  This class was a great refresher of my theatre knowledge, but it also enhanced my learning by allowing me to see theatre as not only a hobby but a way to reflect and promote change through timeless stories and lessons.  Learning about the human condition showed me how people in the audience can truly relate to the events on a stage and can leave a much greater impact than expected.  As for the actors, and I know from personal experience, that theatre can be a therapeutic experience and an outlet for self-expression.

Pictured below is the stage for the Longwood University Theatre Department’s production of Chicago.  As the show that first made me interested in participating in theatre, I loved being able to see Longwood’s interpretation of it.  I enjoyed applying my class knowledge to the action onstage.