Honors 361

The Problem of Evil

This class was even more intriguing than its title. As a new Christian, the problem of evil is a question that I’ve asked myself many times. If God is supposed to be all good and all-loving, how is there still evil in the world? Through several theological articles and novels, we learned how the existence of a tri-Omni God Who is omnibenevolent, omniscient, and omnipotent is possible despite the abundant existence of evil. This class helped to educate me about theology as well as build my faith, growing me both academically and spiritually. It challenged me to think for myself and form long-lasting opinions on a very important topic.

Below is a paper that I wrote regarding the problem of evil. It focuses on Alvin Plantinga’s Free Will Defense, which argues that in the existence of a tri-Omni God is possible despite evil because of our gift of free will. In my paper, I critique and strengthen this argument. This paper helped me to strengthen my writing skills and further formulate my beliefs about God.