
I believe that the Honors College would be nothing without the community that it is based on.  Coming to Longwood during the Honors retreat, I was extremely nervous.  I felt like I would be alone, and I was very intimidated that I would not find friends here.  However, I was very wrong.  Being that I was very sick during the retreat, I first felt this sense of community with the honors faculty and mentors.  They let me know that they were there for me and that if I needed anything I could let them know.  Knowing that I had this strong backbone of trustworthy and caring individuals lifted a huge weight off of my shoulders.  Through all the ups and downs of the week, I was finally able to connect with some people and spark new friendships.  Even continuing into my honors courses I found people that I could rely on and feel at home with.  I am very thankful for this sense of community, and without it, my experience here at Longwood would be much different.