Honors Class 2- Honors World Literature

I’ve always enjoyed reading and writing, so it came to no surprise that I absolutely enjoyed my Honors World Literature class.  It was a little different from my other literature classes, as we touched upon books unknown to most of the class and did little to no writing whatsoever in the class.  It was also interesting because Dr. Magill never read any of the books before either, which brought us to great discussions and analysis of each book; it was almost as if he was putting himself in our shoes.  The other thing I enjoyed about our class was how much I actually got out of the books.  Each of the nine books that were discussed represented its own unique culture.  Although the class read  nine different plots and themes, it was more like learning about nine different cultures and countries around the world.  The books brought us out of our narrow scope of only reading American and British literature and got us to think about cultures most of us never even heard of, which in turn led to a better tolerance and understanding of those around the world.

Enclosed is one of my essays for the class, in which I discussed several themes from different books and how they connect back to the premise of cultural identity.