Goal 7- Western Civilization

Honors Foundations of Western Civilization was by far the most difficult class I have ever had to take. I managed to do pretty well on the final exam, but the classwork discussions and test papers pushed me to the limit.   The class did however teach me a valuable lesson on time management. Whenever I had a research paper in high school, I could easily find a list of good sources online and easily write it in a few days. I soon learned that I needed to start at least a week in advance in order to find only print sources in the library in order to determine their usefulness. Although it was challenging, it wouldn’t be fair to say that I did not enjoy the subject material and all of the literature we covered in class. We even took some time to read an entire book on Joan of Arc, the saint of Longwood University. This class literally almost drove me crazy trying to get every single little detail right in my papers, but I really believe that Dr. Isaac improved our scholarly analysis of historical documents.

Enclosed is my favorite paper that we had to write in class, in which we had to place ourselves as time travelers in a historical event of our choosing.