ISCI 320


Junior year, Fall 2021:

I enjoyed this class so much because Dr. Fink is an amazing teacher. We took this time in class to discuss the issues in science today. It was also a great opportunity for all of my LIFE STEM cohort to get back together again and discuss our ever-changing goals. Overall, we basically did exactly what we did in the first LIFE STEM seminar. Then we also helped critique the LIFE STEM program as a whole because we got the amazing news that the school got another grant to have three more cohorts! I am so excited to meet them.

I have attached my SMART Professional Development plan here (Professional Development Action Plan, 12/8/21). This plan outlines what I want to do, how I know when I’ve reached it, whether is it in my power to accomplish it, whether can I realistically achieve it, and when exactly do I want to achieve it?

Artifact details: Name; Davice Jones, Date; (12/08/2021), Title; Professional Development Action Plan.