CHEM 111 07

Fundamentals of Chemistry I

Freshman year, fall 2019:

I was truly excited about Chemistry 111 because I had enjoyed Advanced Chemistry in high school. However, the second cohort of the LIFE STEM program had let me in on a little secret about how the test system worked. This worried me some but I looked forward to the challenge that the questing system presents.

Even as the first week went by I knew I already loved the class. My professor was absolutely wonderful and made the sometimes confusing concepts of chemistry more applicable to the modern world. I was able to understand why and how the laws of the universe applied to my everyday life. I have never had experience writing about labs and forming lab reports until this class, but with instruction, I learned to accurately formulate my information in an organized and comprehendible manner. The eight AM standing lab was my only eight AM this semester and most days it was the bane of my existence, although   I learned from this class that the effort you put in will be what you get out of something. The minimum effort will produce the minimum results.

Click here for my artifact, the final full lab report for Chemistry 111. This lab report described how intermolecular forces were affected by melting temperatures leading to evaporation. When the substance had low intermolecular forces it would evaporate faster.

Artifact details: Name; Davice Jones, Date; (12/11/2019), Title; Lab 8: Evaporation and Intermolecular Forces.