ART 213

Ceramics 1

Junior year, Spring 2022:

I was really excited to take this class because while I am a biology major I am really interested in art. We started off really simple and made a hollow sphere. It was neat getting to know the feeling and consistency of clay. We learned about how to get all of the bubbles out of the clay. From there we made mugs and handles, then bowls, and finally, we did sculpting and glazing. Adam also showed us how to appreciate art, it all really seems expensive and overpriced at first but when pottery is someone lively hood it all starts to make sense.

In the winter after doing pottery my hands would get so dry but I started taking care of my skin better and as it got warmer we would open up the bay doors. It was so nice and relaxing and so different from the rest of my classes. I made some really cool things but ultimately I got to make an anatomically correct model of a jaw and teeth. I made this because I really want to go to dental school when I graduate from Longwood. Hand dexterity is a big part of dentistry and I think this class really helped me define an understand the shape of teeth. I even used my dental textbook to reference my final project.

I have attached my final product here my model of teeth and jaw.

Artifact details; Name; Davice Jones, Date; (5/02/2022), Title; My teeth if I was clay.