HIST 151

Historical Inquiry II – Dr. Gregory Mole

All my history classes pretty much end up being my favorite classes I have. I have never had a bad experience with any professor in the History Department here at Longwood, which truly makes my major and concentration more enjoyable for furthering my career.

Dr. Mole was a new professor at Longwood, so my first class with him was one of his first classes here. He had such a passion for history that stood out in his lectures, which some may find boring when it comes to a Civitae class, but I loved the lectures and everything.

The class was set up in a very set schedule: Mondays were lecture days with a Powerpoint with many visuals, Wednesday were Primary Source days, which started out as us examining primary sources and writing theses and analyzing them then turned into us presenting in groups on different primary sources for the class, and Fridays were discussion days on different primary sources. He would upload primary sources and questions for the sources for us to go over before discussion so we could come to class prepared.

We learned about world history in the class, starting from about the 1500’s until close to present time. This was through lectures and primary sources from different sides, such as looking at document of slave trade versus a poem from a slave versus a work from a slaveowner.

My artifact is my primary source presentation, which was on New Imperialism of Africa. This includes descriptions of our different primary sources, feedback received from the primary sources, and which source we thought best represented the overall of the time period.
