
MATH 135

This class was part of the pillar, Quantitative Reasoning. Press the button to read more about it!

MATH 309 – Numeration Systems

This class focused on how to use basic math and tailor it towards teaching younger students. We talked about numerations systems from the past and present as well as topics such as; basic sets of operations, elementary number theory, concepts of rational numbers. Its main goal was to help students who plan to teach reexamine how we look at math concepts that we will be teaching.

I enjoyed this class and having to think about all the content I learned when I was younger. We used a lot of hands on activities such as blocks and tried to think as a kid would in order to better prepare ourselves. I think this class was a very good class to prepare students who haven’t thought about these math concepts in a very long time like me. Everyday I had to try to remember when I learned these concepts to try to think how I did it as a child.

MATH 310

MATH 313