CTZN 110

This course was part of the freshman foundation. My citizen class was called spaces for seeing, and used visual arts to approach aspects of citizenship and critical thought. The class was a very speaking infused with presentations almost every week. Through the course we were able to expand on our ability to understand art and talk about why we did this and how it relates to our life/community.

When I signed up for this class, I thought I was going to dread it because I tend to be more literal and this course was about art which I’m not quite good at understanding or talking about. This class quickly became one of my favorites to do assignments for. The assignments were always unique and up to the individual to decide what to do them about. I’m not quite creative but with this class I was able to try to create different types of art. Our hardest and one of my most proudest works in this class was the midterm. We were tasked to make a Pecha Kucha which is a 20 slide presentation that advances on itself every 20 seconds. We were told to pick a contemporary issue and use photos to help explain what we were advocating about. I picked how rape has been normalized in many colleges. Below you will see my presentation and the notecards that show what I said throughout the presentation. Through this class I was able to express how I view the world and art in a different way than I ever have. It has taught me that even if you see art in a more literal way you can still discuss it and give it meaning in your own way.
