I truly enjoyed Chemistry 111, it reminded me a lot about 10th-grade advance chemistry. However due to the fact that we had the chance to talk to the second cohort of the LIFE STEM I had more of how the test system worked. The way the system was a structure made a bit worried, but I looked forward to being challenged as well as to gain new knowledge.
Within the first week of class, there were only 12 girls in the class, which I already knew that I was going to like the environment due to the fact that I like working in small environments. Throughout this course, I was able to understand why and how the laws of the universe applied to the modern world.
Throughout this course, I was also able to gain knowledge of how to write a lab report. I learned to accurately formulate information in an organize my information accurately in order for others to understand the process of the experiment conducted in the lab. Overall, I learned throughout this class that take an effort in order to succeed.