Freshman year, Sring 2020:
Throughout BIOL 250 I was able to learn more about molecular mechanisms that govern cellular growth, homeostasis, and response to external stimuli. Also, throughout this course, I was able to understand the components of cellular anatomy, including the structure and function of common cellular organelles, membrane systems, cytoskeletal systems, and macromolecules of importance to life and their conservation across biological domains.
This course was kind of similar to BIO 120 because it talked in further detail about the activities of Mitosis and Meiosis. As well as molecular signaling pathways alter internal cellular activities (e.g., gene expression) in response to intra- and extra-cellular cues. These were some of the few similarities I was able to correlate between BIO 120 and BIO 250.
I sincerely believe that throughout these courses I was able to perform a lot better because some of the information was familiar to previous studies, which made it a bit simpler to not study and memorize again. Overall, this course though me a lot as well as gave me the skill to conduct further experiments with other faculty.
The following is a poster presentation identifying the genotypes of two individuals, conducted in the BIOL 250 lab.