Book Club Week 6

In chapter 15. James Clear talks about how when something is satisfying we do it more often. When thinking about a habit I would like to do more often it is important to look at if the habit itself is satisfying, it usually is however, the work being put into it may not always be. It is usually the reward of completing the habit that is satisfying. For me personally, finishing tasks earlier than the due date is a good work habit I want to engage in more often. I find that sometimes it feels like I can put off an assignment until the last few days before it is due or even the night before, however, this is neither productive or a good habit. It can sometimes feel unsatisfying because it means making extra time to work on the assignment when I may already have prior engagements. A way that I could go about making this habit satisfying is by changing my mindset, “if i do this now, I will have more time to do things I want to do later. I also won’t be stressed about finishing the assignment on time!” I could even divide my time into increments that work for my schedule (i.e. one hour a day), this could also enhance the quality of my work because I am spending more time on it as well as looking at it with”fresh eyes” in a sense. I would also make it more satisfying by knowing that I can now use the time I was going to spend on the assignment (which would be a longer block of time than if I would have divided the work) on another activity that is fun for me such as going outside or hanging out with friends.

In chapter 16, James Clear talks about not breaking the chain and never missing twice. This idea can be used when working with a client by helping them stay motivated in their leisure lifestyle. It can be easy to become unmotivated if there is not a consistency in your routine and by missing twice it allows us to make excuses and become unmotivated. Encouraging a client to keep a planner and make an “implementation intention” can be useful because it lays out the day for the client and by visually seeing what they need to do that day it can create more motivation to complete the task. It is also important to encourage clients to get back on track if they do happen to miss twice or break the chain, this does not mean they have to quit the new habit all together.


Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post

The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation

The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.


Clear, James. (2018). Atomic Habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.

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