Book Club Week 3

In chapter five of Atomic Habits, James Clear mentions the concept of habit stalking, the idea is to “stack” or add a good habit to a habit you may have already implemented in your daily routine. The formula is “After (blank habit), I will (new habit).” An example of how I can implement this concept into my own personal daily routine to improve my working habits would be: After I walk my dog in the morning (regular habit), I will write down what needs to get done today and set a time to work on it (new habit). Eventually, I will then start to associate walking my dog with writing down my assignments I need to complete that day.

Our environment can often have a huge impact on our success in creating a good habit. In chapters six and seven, Clear talks about how we can be the “architect” of our environment to help us create a good habit and be consistent in doing it. This idea ties into the first law of behavior change, “make it obvious.” When we surround ourselves with cues that make a good habit obvious, it is easier to act on the habit. Inversely, to eliminate a bad habit you must make it invisible. An example of how I make my good work habits obvious is that I write down the assignments I want to complete that day and the time in which I want to complete it on a sticky note. I then stick the note onto my laptop because I know I’m going to see it and have no excuse to ignore or forget about it. I also write this in my planner ahead of time but because the sticky note is somewhere obvious it makes me more likely to do it! An example of how I make my bad work habits invisible is that I place my phone face down and on silent when I begin to work so that I am not distracted by the notifications. I have found this helpful because even a text notification can lead to an hour long diversion from my work and trying to get focused again can be much harder. By using these concepts, I have found that I devote more time to accomplishing my assignments and less time distracted by my outside environment.


Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post

The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation

The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.


Clear, James. (2018). Atomic Habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.

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