Book Club Week 2

In chapter’s 2-4, James Clear discusses the four elements of a habit feedback loop. Cue is the first element, it creates a trigger in our brain that tells us that there is an opportunity for a “reward.” For example when I feel tired, I start to yawn and my eyes may feel heavy. Craving is the second element, this is the motivational force, we want the reward, we crave the change it provides us. I want to go to sleep because I know that if I do not go to sleep now that I may start getting more energy and therefore stay up later than I want to. I also want to get a good night’s sleep. The third element is Response, the actual habit, how we obtain the reward. My response is to set my alarm so I do not oversleep, turn off my phone, and close my eyes to fall asleep. Lastly, the Reward, this is the end goal, we do it all of the above steps because this reward is satisfying. The reward would be that I went to sleep and woke up with a good night’s rest and do not feel tired in the morning. For this particular feedback loop, my end goal is to obtain a regular and healthy sleeping habit.

When trying to successfully complete a habit loop there are the four laws of behavior change that make us more likely to follow through in order to establish good habits. The laws go as follows: make it obvious (cue), make it attractive (craving), make it easy (response), and make it satisfying (reward).

With all of the assignments we have throughout the week I try to stay as organized as I can. This can be hard sometimes since I am home and can easily be distracted by technology or other distractions. What I try to do is make it obvious to myself that I need to work on or complete assignments that are due soon. I have gotten a planner where I write down all my assignments that are due soon and also write down a designated time to work on them everyday. I try to work on an assignment at LEAST an hour each day to keep myself organized as well as to train my brain that this is a big priority so that I do not procrastinate. Some of my cues include drinking a cup of coffee and having a snack before I begin so I do not have the excuse to procrastinate and get something to eat while I am working. I also sit in the dining room and turn off all electronics so that I am not distracted. These small cues such as sitting on an actual chair and not my bed (a work space) and turning my phone off lets my brain know that now it is time to work! The actual work that gets done is my response and accomplishing my assignments is the reward! There is nothing better than getting work done in a timely manner so that I do not fall behind on my work.


Learning Outcome: Completed Blog Post

The student completed a reflective writing blog post according to the assignment description to include replying to all questions in a narrative (paragraph) format.

Learning Outcome: Attendance & Participation

The student was on time to the book club meeting, attended the entire session, and participated actively and independently in the discussion/activities presented.


Clear, James. (2018). Atomic Habits: An easy & proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. New York, NY: Penguin Random House LLC.

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