As a senior nursing student, I was given a wonderful opportunity to organize a project to help the Farmville community. One of the biggest health issues that this population struggles with is hypertension, but due to the COVID-19 pandemic public blood pressure stations in local pharmacies are closed and members may not have the access to healthcare that they need. Therefore, I decided to organize a free community blood pressure screening. During this screening, I took individuals’ blood pressures, explained if they were at risk for hypertension, and provided them with hand outs on risk factors, prevention, and meal plans. Since this occurred during a pandemic, I also organized it so that masks were available for everyone and individuals were socially distanced when possible. The screening went well, and I was able to talk to multiple community members about their lifestyle and changes they could make to be healthier. I was also able to refer them to a free community clinic if they did not currently have a healthcare provider. This event allowed me to give back to my community and I am so glad that I had the opportunity to interact with community members outside the normal classroom boundaries.