Letter to Senior Self

Dear Senior Samuel,

Well, it’s been 3 years now so I hope you’ve figured out what you wanted to do for a job. Please let our future career be something we enjoy and not something that was the easiest or most convenient job. Hopefully you’ve left your room in the past 3 years and have made some friends that will stick around after graduation. Speaking of graduation, don’t get lazy after you leave the structured environment of school, I want to live a productive and meaningful life and I hope you still do too.

I’d be interested to know which clubs and societies you’ve tried in your journey so far. I would expect the gaming club, or a christian ministry somewhere. I’d be really surprised if you joined a fraternity, it doesn’t seem like me but who knows about you. Maybe you got into one of those secret organizations, that would be really cool. Regardless, I would hope you’ve made a positive impact throughout campus, clubs or no clubs.

Finally, I’m super excited to hear about what you have learned over your time a college. All the geology, and ecology and hydrologic science knowledge will be sweet to have, but above all, I hope you learned more about yourself, that you have grown into a better man than I am today. If nothing else, I hope these years of college have been fun and it will be nice to see how I have changed with age.


Freshman Samuel,