Entering Research II

This class put an emphasis on public speaking by giving us two major presentations. One with a group and one on our own. My group presentation focused on how Chesapeake bay animals’ migration paths had changed due to climate change. I spent the semester writing a project proposal about blue crabs but in the end I had to present a proposal about the cow nose ray. While it might have been easier to present on an animal I had spent the whole semester researching, I learned much more in the process studying on a new animal.

We also wrote our first CV in class. This will be very useful when I have to make one for our senior capstone course. It is these types of things that give a LifeStem student an advantage above their peers.

Our individual presentation allowed us to talk about anything science related. This assignment was a little daunting but turned out to be my favorite project in my freshman spring semester. I learned about how the size of trophy fish seem to be shrinking in the Florida Keys region. My artifact links to my presentation.

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