CAFE Blogsite

We are in the process of updating our blogsite.  We will continue to add new information and resources. 

Not Just Checking Boxes: A workshop for new advisers

Are you a new academic adviser here at Longwood? Or are you looking for an advising refresher?

Join us to learn: the academic advising philosophies that to benefit students and advisers, academic policies @ Longwood, advising for degree planning (including a DegreeWorks demonstration), and how to advise in two core curricula simultaneously.

When: October 10th, 8:00-9:15am

October 11th, 3:30-4:45pm

Where: Lewis Room (Dorrill Dining Hall)

RSVP by October 5th; click here or go to






Image result for students raising hands

The Dynamic Learning Dialogue is an early to mid-semester evaluation technique that provides instructors with rich qualitative feedback from their students regarding the learning environment in a course. Feedback obtained from a Dynamic Learning Dialogue can be used for focused reflections on one’s teaching to enhance classroom interactions, student learning, and teaching strategies. See below for more information.

Interested faculty members contact CAFE ( to set up an initial appointment


How to Overcome the Perfectionism, Procrastination and Fatigue

That Get in the Way of Your Writing

If you joined the Textbook and Academic Authors’ Association recently, you can access this new webinar–just click on the link. If you didn’t yet join, email for details.

How do you overcome perfectionism, procrastination, and fatigue? Or more concerning, What do you do when you face writing anxiety that goes beyond “normal”? Based on personal experience, studies of post-traumatic stress recovery, and the work of University of Houston professor Brené Brown, this webinar will walk you through the issues underlying these common challenges. Learn practical how-to’s to overcome stressful or traumatic writing/feedback experiences to develop writing resilience and perseverance to achieve your potential.

Because our campus is the “Publish and Flourish” workshop, we receive a one-year Institutional Membership to TAA, a non-profit, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to helping text and academic authors thrive. Our Institutional Membership covers the membership dues for up to 75 faculty members to join TAA, whether or not you attend the workshop.

We invite you to take advantage of our Institutional Membership and join TAA today. TAA provides you with the key resources you need to succeed as an academic author on topics such as:

  • How to get your writing done efficiently and well
  • How to organize your writing process for maximum productivity and success
  • How to promote your brand and market your work
  • What you need in your contract and what to watch out for

Some of TAA’s most popular resources include:

TAA Blog | Abstract

Stay connected to the textbook and academic authoring industry, gain inspiration and insight, and expand your authoring knowledge with how-to articles, Tips of the Trade, member profiles, and more.


Increase your productivity, learn new skills, and connect with industry experts who will answer your specific questions on a wide range of textbook and academic authoring and publishing topics.

Presentations on Demand

Listen to more than 100 presentations on demand on topics such as writing, editing, contracts, royalties, taxes, copyright, time management, and more, presented by a variety of industry experts.

NewsletterThe Academic Author

Stay connected to the textbook and academic authoring industry, and gain inspiration.

Click here to join TAA, membership sponsored by your institution.

Click here to renew your TAA membership, renewal sponsored by your institution.

Our TAA Institutional Membership is valid through the anniversary date of the day our workshop is held. If you have any questions about TAA please feel free to contact

Link giving you trouble? Go here…( registration is now closed)

Click here to sign up! (registration is now closed)

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About graduation!

April Pushou graduation 4-17