Entering Research 1

In this course, we learn the introduction research how to begin a hypothesis, collect and gather results in an experiment, and ending with conclusion in scientific writing. We begin our research from the collected materials from the Chesapeake Bay during our Summer Bridge program. I team up with my group and we research our topic about the situation of sediment within the Chesapeake Bay. After doing some research, we gathering the information we do our experiment using the methods we learn from our research class.  In conclusion from our research and data from our experiment, we found that high amounts of organic carbon will appear within large level of pollutants at a geographic location because of the sorption process of carbon cycle through that location. At the end of the course, my group and I present our experiment results and interesting facts about sediments living in the Chesapeake Bay.

After finishing the course, I founded that it was quite difficult but very educational for any student who are new to the fields of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and wishes to learn more about Chesapeake Bay watershed. This course taught me how to write a concise scientific research paper that is far more different than any ordinary paper when I was in high school.

The link below shows our own Sediment Experiment presentation at the last day of this course.

Sediment Experiment