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Reproductive Justice (WGST 395)

When I was signing up for classes this semester, I was excited to take Reproductive Justice because it was taught by one of my favorite professors, Dr. Dudley-Shotwell, and it was both an honors class and a civitae course. Additionally, I was extremely interested in the topics that this class covered and wanted to learn more. Throughout this class, I found myself becoming increasingly passionate about reproductive justice and saw myself applying what I had learned in class to my life outside of school. I would talk about what I was learning to everyone I knew because I was passionate about the importance of reproductive justice in our society. Before taking this course, I had little knowledge on reproductive justice and I didn’t realize how few people actually have reproductive justice today. This course was similar to my Bodies and Citizens course because some of the content overlapped and the course was taught in a similar way. For homework, we would be assigned a reading and we would have discussions in class about what we had read. Throughout the semester, we would be assigned projects that were used for us to show what we were learning about. One of the projects that we completed was a blogpost where we talked about what we had learned in connection with the readings. The blogpost I created is attached below.