Analyze data quantitatively and develop testable models of that data.

The link above will direct you to an article concerning the lifespan and survivorship for females and males in Farmville, Virginia. It takes a closer look at the life expectancy in Farmville at different periods of time and makes inferences based on the data.

The link above is a paper about the effects of effect parabens have in the body and its prevalence in cosmetic products, my partner and I ran a series of tests on different parabens. These tests resulted in brominated parabens limiting the microbial effects against Streptococcus Salivarius.

The link above will direct you to a presentation on muscle activation. My group and I conducted this experiment using EKGs on the participants to determine which muscle area (legs or abs) is used to stabilize a person in different environments.


Reflection Portion: The artifacts provided are listed in time order. The first artifact is a paper I did during sophomore year. When collecting the data, I was not expecting to analyze it to the extent to which I did. I was very unsure and unaware of analyzing data and did not know where to start. My professor provided a lot of aid for a newbie like me to understand where to start and how to keep going. By asking questions, I was able to learn how to use excel and its different functions. Over time, with a lot of persistence, I was able to properly analyze data on excel myself and present my findings in writing. The second artifact was also completed in my sophomore year. For this presentation, I needed to interpret EKG waves in order to analyze the data for the presentation. This was more troubling than learning how to use excel. I spent a lot of time using trying to figure what each peak meant and how to translate that to an audience. The ability to interpret data that used peaks and valleys instead of numbers increased my analytical skills. The third artifact was conducted in junior year. This artifact did not increase my analytical skills because tasks were separated based on the strength of the individual within the group. If I was tasked with the results section, I believe my analytical skills would have strengthened even further. These artifacts helped me understand the importance of analysis in research. Analysis gives way of true understanding of what the data means and helps the researchers convey it to the public. My growth due to these artifacts is tremendous because they paved a way for other assignments and presentations that dealt with analyzing quantitative data.