Analyze critically and apply the major principles of ecology and evolution.

The assignment presented above applies principles of evolution by mapping the lifespan and survivorship of females and males in Farmville, Virginia. I collected data from the cemetery and mapped survivorship curves that clearly and easily show my results. In conclusion, I further explain my results by identifying different stressors that could contribute to the different life spans such as diseases, war, and so on.

The assignment presented above applies principles of ecology by focusing on the invasive species, Microstegium. In the paper, I identified different mechanisms that could contribute to Microstegium successful invasion in American territories, which is outcompeting native plants for vital resources. I, also, discuss different combative methods to control Microstegium invasion.

The link posted above is one of my many presentations presented at Longwood University. This explains the transmission and implications of malaria worldwide. This presentation applies principles of ecology by mapping different regions of high malaria transmission and further explains how these regions could benefit from the new upcoming combative method, Genetically Modified Mosquitoes.

Reflection Portion:

As I take a look at the different artifacts on this page, I can proudly say that I have grown in understanding the different principles of ecology and evolution. For the first artifact, I learned what survivorship is and what impacts it. This taught me what evolution is and how the population plays a big role. As previously mentioned, through this artifact, I learned what impact survival by analyzing different curves in the population in different time eras. I learned how disease, famine, and weather can control a population and cause an evolutionary shift, not only in humans but also in animals. Learning this taught me to look at different stressors before making assumptions about an ecosystem, environment, or populations of animals. The second artifact taught me how invasive species are damaging to the environment. This taught major principles of ecology because I was able to learn which habitats are more impacted and what are some ways in reducing their transmission. By analyzing Microstegium, I was able to identify its origin and the effects it has on natural flora. By conducting this experiment, I was able to apply the major principles of ecology such as identifying native flora, animal transmission, and much more. The third artifact looked at vector transmission through mosquitoes. This observational study looked at a new method to reduce the transmission of malaria through mosquitoes. This taught me how to analyze different principles of ecology, such as the food web. Since mosquitoes are a big source of food for many animals, my team needed to find a method that benefits animals and humans. For this page, by analyzing survivorship curves, observing the cause of invasive species, and examining the best method of reducing malaria, I was able to apply different principles of ecology and evolution. This is important because I will be able to take these skills and use them towards my future job.