Blog Development

Due Date: June 7, 2020 11:59 pm

Peer Review Due: June 10, 2020

Purpose: Students will create a blog using Longwood Blogs, which will contain all content created and most communications for their summer 2020 internship.

Knowledge: Students will learn how to build a blog to include creation of pages, uploading media, linking other internet sites and adding other content. Additionally, they will learn how to submit work and how their mentors, peer-reviewers and course instructor will communicate within it.

Task: Create a blog using Longwood Blogs. Instruction on how to create the blog will occur via synchronized Zoom meeting with DEC representative and course instructor. Students are required to attend this meeting. All blogs must use the following format:

  1. Parent Tabs- Your blog must include 4 “parent” tabs using the following labels: Home, Blog Posts, Course Project, Book Club. Parent tabs must also follow this order.
  2. Child or Drop-down Tabs- Each parent tab must have the correct drop-down tabs and must also follow the correct order:
    1. Home (no drop-downs)
    2. Blog Posts
      1. Blog Development
      2. Internship Goals
      3. Mentor Interview
      4. Agency/Setting Scan
      5. Population Summary
      6. Program Evaluation
      7. Individual Plan & Video Implementation
      8. Evaluation of Goals & Internship
    3. Course Project
      1. Problem/Project Identification
      2. Literature Review Table
      3. Literature Summary
      4. Expert & Literature Synthesis
      5. Final Project Presentation
    4. Book Club
      1. Week 1
      2. Week 2
      3. Week 3
      4. Week 4
      5. Week 5
      6. Week 6
      7. Week 7
      8. Week 8.
  3. For the most part, each page represents an assignment for your internship. For each page, you will eventually enter content based upon the assignment description and rubric from the instructor’s blog and/or canvas. For now, as appropriate, copy and paste into each page the rubric from the instructor’s blog respectively.
  4. The “Home” page should be set up with the following information:
    1. A professional picture of you.
    2. A welcome narrative sharing: 1. At least 2 of the most important experiences you have had thus far that has prepared you for your internship, 2. At least 2 skills, bits of knowledge and/or techniques you hope to gain from your internship, 3. At least 2 areas of interest you have in the field of TR. 4. The narrative should open by welcoming your mentor, instructor and peers.
  5. Customize profile Image- The image that appears at the top of the blog on the “Home” page should be appropriate to the nature of the blog in some way.

Peer Review: The student will review at least 2 other peer’s work against the assignment criteria and submit their review in the comments section by the identified deadline in the peer’s blog. Each student may have no more than 2 peer reviews to ensure that all students receive at least one peer review. Peer reviewers must provide at least 2 pieces of constructive feedback and 1 piece of positive feedback. It cannot be the same feedback given by others.

Criteria for Success:

Learning Outcome: Parent Tabs

The following parent tabs are present, in order and labeled as: Home, Blog Posts, Course Project, Book Club

Learning Outcome: Drop-Down/Child Tabs

The drop-down tabs are labeled and ordered according to the assignment description.

Learning Outcome: Rubrics

For each assignment page, the student has cut and pasted the respective rubric from the instructor’s blog and/or canvas.

Learning Outcome: “Home” Page

The student has completed the “Home” page according to assignment instruction to include the narrative (2 past experiences, 2 interests, 2 goals), the bio pic, and welcome statement.

Learning Outcome: Theme/Profile Picture

The student selected a blog theme and profile picture that is appropriate and reflective of the purpose of the blog.

Learning Outcome: Mechanics

All content is free of grammatical and spelling errors. Language used is of professional caliber.

Learning Outcome: Mentor Approval

The student’s mentor has checked that all blog elements are correct and has commented on the “Blog Development” page that it is complete.

Learning Outcome: Add Instructor as Admin

The student added the course instructor as an administrator to their blog.