I want to thank you for taking the time to come and view my blog! With the current state of the world, it was safer to complete a remote internship and use a blog as a means to communicate. With that being said, I wanted to share a bit about myself and my experiences as well as discuss what I would like to gain from this internship.
The Therapeutic Recreation program has given me many opportunities to gain experience and practice improving my skills in assessing, planning, facilitating, and evaluating programs. Every course we take is tailored to helping us prepare for our internships while also giving us real world experience.
I learned about the process of creating a program outing plan and all of the work that goes into planning an outing. This has taught me to plan ahead as early as I can and to have a back up plan! The more planning that goes into a program, the better the outcome will likely be, so it is important to be prepared for anything. Similarly, the many activity plans we have created each semesters have taught me the same thing, it is important to plan out each session and also have a back up plan. I also learned that the most vital part of a program is the debriefing section, this is what makes what we do therapeutic. After each session, clients should be able to identify and understand the purpose of each program.
In most classes we were also asked to create a treatment plan which has allowed me to practice creating solid, measurable goals and objectives. This has also given me the chance to document progress and improve my observation and documentation skills. I have practiced writing in an objective manner to prevent any bias in the documentation process, this is important to accurately document a clients progress towards their goal.
I am thankful to the real world experiences we have been able to participate in such as creating a fall festival program at the Virginia Home in Richmond. The main purpose was to create a program plan that was based on festival games that would also demonstrate client’s ability in the social, physical, cognitive, or emotional domains. We were also given the opportunity to create memory boxes for Centra P.A.C.E. This assignment was a fun way of getting to know some of the patients while also building on our interviewing skills. We then created the memory box based off our interview and presented it to them in a “Guess Who?” game.
Ever since taking a Leisure and Aging class, I realized I wanted to work with older adults. I have had experience volunteering in a variety of settings such as long-term care, adult day centers, and psychiatric hospitals. I enjoyed volunteering at each one! I hope to work with older adults in the future, they are a growing yet underserved population.
During this internship I hope to learn many new things that I can use in the future. Particularly I would like to improve on my assessment interviewing skills, writing down only relevant information, asking the right questions, and overall just gaining more experience and practice doing interviews. I would like to also work on redirecting client attention back to the program. I hope to gain more experience in these areas and better myself as a future CTRS.