FREN 211(Perspective Level)

As you heard earlier, French is not one of my strong suits. I have always loved the idea of the French language, but was never good at it. After coming to Longwood, I learned how to really immense myself in the culture and learn from it. My FREN 211 course focused more on French culture and how to speak the language as if we were there. I found this course very usefully as I learned words I would attempt to use if I ever visited France. This class required us to speak a lot and practice the language which was usefully. Even though I wasn’t very good at pronunciation, I tried to answer every question I could to better my speaking ability. We did a lot of speaking projects and in class practice activities to work on our speaking. This really benefited me and allowed me to learn more from my peers. Dr. Amoss was very helpful and loved to see us to try. He allowed me to see the language in a different perspective and actually allowed me to enjoy the course. Overall, I learned some useful things in this class and hope I get to use these skills in France someday.

I have attached one of our papers that we wrote through the semester.  In this paper we talked about some problems we have noticed at Longwood and offered some solutions. I thought this was a great piece to include because it really demonstrates my ability to write in French. It shows I am capable of writing in French, but also problem-solving in French. This piece was really hard for me to write but I am so proud of the way it ended up!

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