Goal 11 PHED 101: Fitness Concepts Through Exercise

Every student is required to take a general education course, and PHED 101 is the course I chose to take during the second semester of freshman year. Physical activity was not something I was invested in during the first semester, so this class was a strong motivator for me to get out of my dorm. I did not know how much work/physical activity was required of this class, but it turned out to not be a big time commitment. Most of the class was online and I only needed to go to Iler once a week for six weeks to work on my performance on certain exercises. Otherwise, I turned in bi-weekly activity monitoring reports supported by my FitBit. This was what really motivated me to get more exercise; The given goal was 70,000 steps each week – which seemed impossible during the first month or so. But by March I had earned over 70,000 steps easily. As the semester progressed, my number of steps had risen at least 10,000 steps over the requirement.

The document below is my first monitoring report from January; looking at it now, I find it surprising I hit such a low step number.