English 165

English 165, or “Writing and Rhetoric,” is one of the pillar courses that each Longwood student must take their Freshman year. This course focused heavily on the implementation of excellent writing skills, specifically through the use of writing across the curriculum, or WAC. My highlight of this course is the final draft of my Academic Article, the third and largest project we did this semester. Here, I considered the similarities and differences between three academic fields (nursing, astronomy, and sociology) through the lens of structure, reference, and language (SLR). My discoveries can be found in the Results/Analysis section of the paper.

This course was very informative to me. I had always been what I considered a good student in English courses, but I had very little formal education on how to write a paper in a college setting correctly. This course has encouraged me to go into the world with the ability to write much more clearly and concisely. As a result of this course, it will be easier for others to understand my writing. This course will likely be very beneficial to my career as well, as social workers often do much writing in their field, whether it be in research studies or just patient record-keeping.