Letter to Senior Self..

Dear Senior Self,

I can not believe you actually did it! A senior in college at one of the best schools is amazing! I know all those late night studying for those Nursing exams must of been killer but the wait is almost over! Before you know it you will be taking your NCLEX and become an amazing Nurse. I know freshman me wants to go into pediatrics and I hope that sticks through to the end because kids out there could really use us. I know it might seem silly now but you need to keep pushing through to the end! Do not be like senior year of high school Hailey and slack off the entire year, we need to pull it together and finish strong! I know coming here to Longwood was a big step and everyone is super proud of us for doing it. Whether you like it or not Virginia has become a home to us and we can never forget it. I want you to know that someone is always there for you and looking out for you on the sidelines even if those people are miles away. Don’t be afraid to call whenever you need someone but also take time to do some self care! Freshman year you kind of are slacking on this but just know that it will help you out to destress. I am going to make sure to keep that paper that Dr.Little had us write about the top 10 most important things about being in Nursing and I always want you to look back on that and see how far you have come!

I know these next three years are going to fly by from me and I know by the end of it I am going to appreciate everything that Longwood has given me!

I wish you the best of luck in your Senior year!


Your freshman self:)