Introduction to Ethics

Ethics was one of my easiest classes. We had readings and assignments that we had to do before class that I sometimes didn’t comprehend well, but when Dr. Repp talked about it in class, it became very clear. I know that I didn’t have to stress because I know that he would explain it more, but most of the class seemed like common sense to me. I learned some new information that will help me make moral decisions and arguments, but not a lot of new information. The class was basically understanding arguments and how to construct them.

We had to make a presentation on a moral issue and give background information and form arguments and counter arguments for it. My issue was on whether there should be opioid safe injection sites where opioid addicts can use opioids in front of medical professionals while given sterile equipment and resources on how they can get help. I leaned more toward the yes they should be allowed because there were studies that showed a decrease in the death rate of opioid addicts in a certain area. And I also believed that addicts should be helped even if they haven’t made the best choices. It was a good project to reflect on a moral issue.