Intro to Sociology

Goal 8

Introduction to sociology was not a very fun class for me, but it was extremely easy. My professor was Robert Woods. I took a basic sociology class in high school, but this college level class went more in depth. This class was not fun for me because I lay slightly right on the political spectrum, but I felt like this class portrayed all the information on the absolute left side of the spectrum. There’s nothing wrong with being on the left, but I thought the material was presented in that fashion. For the class material, each week we had to read and write a response on what we read. There were four tests and a final exam. We had power point notes that we went over in class that turned out to be class discussions that swayed off topic all the time. It could be hard for people to retain the information just from discussion, but that’s all we did in class. I would rather have a straight lecture so I wouldn’t have to study as much. Most of the information on the tests were in the power points and readings, but I honestly thought that the questions on the tests were common sense. Obviously, there are definitions and significant people that I had to study for, but the rest was common sense. That’s why the class was a breeze for me grade wise, but it dragged on from the way the information was presented.

This was my first reading response that I did in this class on January 23rd, 2017. I chose this piece because doing all of these responses helped me learn that I did not have to read in depth all the time. I could skim and then read the really important parts. It would be a waste of time to read parts that I did not need to know for the tests, so I would just skim the chapters and retain the important information. The first reading response I took the longest on, but I learned I didn’t need to take long at all. Learning this helped me with my time management skills and allowed for me to have more time for other assignments.