CTZN 110-53

Spaces for Seeing, Professor Grabiec, Fall 2018

This course was to introduce us to different aspects of citizenship in emphasizing critical thought, civil discussions/debates, and applied ethical reason. There were different sections of the citizenship class to pose “discipline-specific” topics and questions that allowed students to explore the different aspects of citizenship and what it meant to be a citizen. I was unsure what to expect from this class, but I learned so much much from it. The section that I was in happened to be exploring citizenship through art, whether it was by looking more closely at artwork and images themselves or reading and analyzing meaning through art and images. We then took the artwork/images we were analyzing and identified the relationships between the individual’s rights and responsibilities and the broader responsibility to the common good. Never have I ever looked at artwork so closely in a meaningful way! Have you heard of the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”? Well, our final project was one of the biggest projects we did and one of my most favorite projects. We took two images and analyzed them by digging a little deeper, writing a thousand words, and presenting it to our fellow classmates. I have attached the two images I shared with the class and the paper I wrote to go along with it.