Letter to Senior Self


Dear future Cecily,

First off- congratulations on everything that you have accomplished so far! I am so glad that we chose to attend Longwood. I hope that the friends and experiences from freshman year are some that you hold dear to your heart. I want to make sure you remember all the great times you’ve had so far at Longwood. So far, my favorite events have been our first trip to Hull Springs, and getting our first scarf!

I know that the path we picked was not the easiest, but I hope it was worth it! By now, you have figured out that the library is the BEST place to study, and Panda Express has taken all your bonus dollars away. You know that suitemates can be crazy, and living with people is hard. You also know that your favorite things to do are to walk around campus, and facetime your dog ( I hope Jett is doing well). Studying for classes is so rewarding, and you’re currently getting straight A’s, even in Chem 111! With this being said, I hope you continued to work hard for rest of your time here.  I hope that we started research too, because I know how scared we are now to start. I am actually really excited to see if we did, and what we got to work on and who with!

This school is amazing. The people, the campus, the pizza squirrel outside Cox dorm, all of it. I  am so happy here, and I hope you feel sad to leave. Well, not too sad, because I know we will be back soon. I also have a feeling that we will take a small piece of Longwood with us when we go.

I hope we are heading off to vet school, because we have wanted this for years. I know that the road to vet school was hard and made us so stressed that we questioned everything. I hope and pray that is what I get to do with my life. I hope we get to go and learn all about small animals and how they work and how to treat them. I know that I was scared at first to find an internship, but I hope we found one we loved. I hope we tried research too.

If we aren’t going to vet school, I hope that you found us something magnificent to do instead. I hope it is still working with animals, but whatever you pick, I know we will enjoy it.

I hope that you got to finally pet a campus cat, because they are so sweet and cute and deserve to be pet. I hope that crown hopping before exams helped every single time, and I hope you found a Chi dropping.


Freshman Cecily

P.S. I hope we still love mint chocolate chip froyo.