
On Longwood’s campus, it is easy to find things that interest me. During my first year, I joined a lot of different communities. I am a Cormier Honors College student, a LIFE STEM Scholar, a member of Alpha Lambda Delta, an Ambassador, a member of the Pre-Professional Health Society, a member of Women in STEM and a sister of Alpha Delta Pi. Finding a balance between school and being involved in my community has always been important to me. I am very thankful that I have found so many new friends and connections through these many organizations.

Even though I had only been at Longwood for a short amount of time, I was able to find a couple of small groups of people who I really like to spend my time with. Since becoming a Lancer I have continued to join new groups and explore my passions. I am really thankful that I was fortunate enough to find more than one group to join. I am very happy with one of my organizations in particular. In Fall 2019, I was able to be apart of a new club and now I am the President of the Women in STEM club. I think that this club will help to create a welcoming environment to anyone interested in learning about new opportunities as well as having a comfortable place to share our experiences.