Period power: Talking to girls about ‘Aunt Flo’

This is a great example of how everyday interactions and cultural norms influence girl’s perceptions of themselves.  When normal body functions are treated as something shameful and embarrassing, girls learn that a fundamental part of their lives is something to dread and hide.  Check out this hilarious video that re-frames girls starting their periods as something to be proud of and as the “Red Badge of Courage.”

‘Normal’ Barbie By Nickolay Lamm Shows Us What Mattel Dolls Might Look Like If Based On Actual Women

Here’s an example of what Barbie would look like if she reflected average measurements.  The creator of these photos asks, “If there’s even a small chance of Barbie in its present form negatively influencing girls, and if Barbie looks good as an average-sized woman in America, what’s stopping Mattel from making one?”

The article draws from a blog published by artist Nickolay Lamm – another example of an “everyday” person bringing national attention to a gender-related issue via social media.

Paid leave lets dads build parenting foundation

Kenya, the Philippines, Columbia, Saudia Arabia…  not necessarily countries you might associate with “progressive” views of gender.  Yet all these country’s governments provide paid paternity leave.

This article demonstrates how fathers and families benefit from paid paternity leave and how the US is one of the few countries around the world that doesn’t offer it typically.

Former Navy SEAL comes out as transgender: ‘I want some happiness’

Transgender civil rights are gainer wider national attention.  Here’s a great example of how Kristin Beck, former Navy Seal, came out as transgender after retiring from the military.  She talks about how she had to hide the “real me” for 20 years in the military because people who are transgender are banned from the armed services.

How Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer Is Building a Nursery By Her Office, and Dissing Working Moms

In 2013, Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo was the subject of much controversy after ordering all telecommuting workers to start working out of a Yahoo office.

Many decried how this affected working parents, especially working mothers.  Here’s an interesting opinion piece about Mayer’s decision and Mayer’s misguided criticism of feminism.

The Motherhood Penalty: We’re in the Midst of a ‘Mom-Cession’

There has been a great deal of talk about how men are losing their jobs in the recent recession, but little about how mothers who work outside the home are affected by it.  This article describes how the cultural assumptions many employers hold about women in the workplace affects mothers looking for jobs especially.  Recent research showed that married women with children who had lost their jobs had a 31% lower chance of finding a new job than a father with children.

Steubenville Anonymous is a Bro

Here’s an interesting example of a man working in a very visible (but anonymous until now) way to speak out against rape.  Eric Lostutter revealed that he was the member of Anonymous who helped to raise national attention about the rape of a 16-year-old girl in Steubenville, OH by outting some of the members of the football team who had posted videos of and tweeted about the rape.

From the article:

… the man behind the mask is not who you’d (or I guess who I’d) expect him to be. Lostutter, who gave an interview to Mother Jones on Thursday, lives in Kentucky, seems to be part good ol’ boy and part bro. The 26-year-old is a cybersecurity consultant who likes motorcycle riding, Bud-drinking, flag-flying, and turkey hunting. He’s also an amateur rapper who goes by the name Shadow.

This is a case that men are an important ally in the fight against rape, while also raising some important ethical questions regarding privacy and our justice system.