Global Citizenship or Aesthetic Perspectives- NURS 495

This nursing course was a class taught by _ that I took in the fall of 2020 at Longwood University. Throughout my life I had always heard about the health care crisis. However, this class taught my a lot more about issues in health care than I had ever known existed. For example, in one of the studies I had to read I learned about was certain types of multination that has continued to exist today which has dramatically changed my view of global health care.

In order to teach us about global health issues, _ would have us read studies and reflect on the different issues researched in the studies. Because of these studies, I have learned about many different issues in the world that I would have assumed died out a long time ago including female genital mutilation and vaccine programs, both of which altered my understanding of global healthcare. Another important assignment we had to do during this course was policy briefs which gave us important incites into the business side of global health care

The artifact below demonstrates the policy briefs that we were assigned to write during this course. After reading about issues in specific areas and researching health issues in that third world country, we had to write up about the issue and the solution we propose.