Education 245

My Honors Education 245 class was taken with Dr. Martinelli.  This class fulfilled both an honors and Liberal Studies major requirement. This class went through different stages of development/behavior from newborns to adolescents. Another aspect were different philosophers and their views on development and behavior.

My favorite part of this class was the end of the year project called the Three Ages Project.  I had to interview three different people from three different stages of growth.  I had to relate what I learned in the class to how the participants answered questions and acted during the interviews. I asked questions based on social-emotional aspects, cognitive, and physical.  I related the interviewees through different philosophers growth stages depending category I was using (cognitive, etc.).  I then wrote a 10 page paper on our interviewees and created a power point that I presented to the class to show my findings.

This class taught me a lot about child development and how having this knowledge will translate into my job as a teacher.  The end of the year project pulled everything I learned together and helped me solidify what I learned even more.