Special Topics: Reproductive Justice [WGST 495]

Reproductive Justice: “the human right to maintain personal bodily autonomy, have children, not have children, and parent the children we have in safe and sustainable communities” – SisterSong

In many ways, this course felt like a continuation of the CTZN 110 (Bodies and Citizens) class from my previous semester. It was taught by the same professor, in the same room, with a few of the same classmates, and had a similar overall theme. In fact, a couple of the exact sets of annotations were used in both of these classes. But even though these two courses had their similarities, I feel as if this course really helped me grow. Through this course I was introduced to foreign concepts, advanced my technological and interpersonal skills, and conducted research on reproductive justice issues in my own community. In fact, it was this class that convinced me to add the Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies minor.


Teen Pregnancy Podcast by Rachel Boch was created on May 3, 2020. For this class, my final project was to create a podcast episode discussing a reproductive justice issue in my community, and to include an interview with a community stakeholder. The process of creating this project allowed me to make connections with members of my community and discover how certain issues affected my own community.