Integrated Intermediate Language and Culture II [SPAN 212]

Fulfilled: World Language Perspectives Requirement

I have taken Spanish since middle school, with a total of five Spanish professors. At this point, I can say that I learned the most from my professor from this semester course than I have in an entire year from my past professors. In this course, besides growing our vocabularies and how comfortable we are with grammar,  Dr. Fernández Urenda emphasized the importance of partnered activities and class discussions. Many of our assignments outside of class also included interactions with classmates, which enabled us to work on our communication shills and learn from one another. A simple example of such an assignment was ¿Eres un “hipster”? In this assignment, we read through a WikiHow article about how to be a hipster ( We then recorded audio (linked below) of ourselves describing characteristics of hipsters and discussing how we compared to hipsters. Finally, everyone in the class responded to everyone’s recordings with our own ideas on the topic.

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¿Eres un “hipster”? assignment response by Rachel Boch was created on September 10, 2019. This assignment was an opportunity to practice using Spanish conversationally, which could be beneficial to me in my future career.