3.5 Perform Competently

Students will be able to perform competently in a professional setting.

From the start of my undergraduate career at Longwood, almost every biology course I have taken has either required me to create poster or oral presentation for the Research Showcase. The opportunity to present research at the showcase prepared me to be able to present myself in a professional manner in front of students, faculty members, and the general public. As I continued to present at the showcase I was able to become more comfortable with my science and in a presenting setting. Presenting at showcase also prepared me to create presentation for conferences outside of Longwood University. Since I had been presenting in the professional setting of showcase, I was prepared to present my Senior Thesis Research at NURVA and NCUR. Longwood and the biology department truly prepared me for these opportunities.

As I continued through my biology courses one of the things that really prepared me for a professional setting was the mock interview that I did in BIOL 489. This experience prepared me for my graduate school interview that I had a few days after I performed the mock interview. The mock interview gave me tips on how to conduct myself during my graduate school interview and prepared me on how to answer questions that were asked during my interview. The mock interview gave me the confidence and tools that I needed to do well in my interview.

Each of the courses I have taken at Longwood has prepared me in someway for the professional field and for my journey outside of undergraduate.