3.2 Effectively communicate orally in multiple contexts within the discipline

The following documents are various visual representations of the oral presentations that I have given, across a variety of disciplines within the biological sciences. The first includes a PowerPoint presentation of semester-long research conducted on bird biodiversity in Introduction to Ecology and Evolution. The next is a poster of semester-long research conducted on microbial communities of a lab in Microbiology.  The final is a PowerPoint presentation of semester-long research conducted on the effects of glucose on memory in Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology I.

Through Longwood’s requirement to take one upper-level course in the three major disciplines of biology (Ecology and evolution, cell and molecular, and organismal), I have had the opportunity to succeed in effectively orally communicate in multiple contexts within the discipline. Each class has taught me how to speak clearly and efficiently to explain the major principles of research that I have conducted. I feel confident in my ability to give an oral presentation on many different topics, by making eye contact with the audience and speaking in a conversational style, rather than reading directly from the visual aide. Longwood also has a Spring Symposium showcase, where all disciplines of research are able to communicate their findings, either with the assistance of a poster or PowerPoint presentation. Participation in this symposium almost every year of my undergraduate career has aided me in the ability to succeed at this skill.

This skill has helped me in a broad range of public speaking elements. From this, I am able to clearly speak and get my point across effectively, while keeping my listeners engaged. I have also learned the importance of eye contact –  to keep the listeners interested in what I am talking about. I am also able to take these skills into the workplace. Communication skills are highly important in the workplace, as a well-developed ability to do this is highly sought after by many employers. I understand what points are most important to the topic I am explaining and have the ability to organize these points into a cohesive unit so others are informed.