Longwood Professional Writing


Browsing Posts published in November, 2016

Sarah Curlee and Chelsea Smith of the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program were appointed as two of the ambassadors to represent the Department of English and Modern Languages (EML) at Longwood’s Admissions Open House on November 12, 2016. Sarah and Chelsea shared their experiences in EML and successfully informed the attendees about the premise of The […]

Longwood Students: Our updated program handout is ready! For information about the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program, be sure to check out the most recent handout here: If you would like to declare Rhetoric and Professional Writing as a concentration (for English students) or a minor (for all other majors), please fill out this form and […]

Don’t miss this intriguing “History of Rhetoric” course with Dr. Heather Lettner-Rust in Spring 2017!

After a successful semester of discussing cross-national leadership rhetoric, ENGL 305: Rhetoric and Public Culture students are currently working on their conference papers for Longwood’s Spring Conference of Undergraduate Research. The students also delivered a panel presentation as part of the vice presidential debate-week activities last month at Longwood University. On October 6, 2016, Haley Vasquez, Chris […]

Longwood, More than an Institution of Higher Learning: Reflections After the VP Debate I was in a rhetoric class back in the fall of 2015 when I heard from my professor that Longwood University would host the 2016 Vice Presidential Debate. While my classmates seemed excited about it, I was shocked. As someone who grew […]

Welcome to the Rhetoric and Professional Writing Program Blog! This blog will feature the latest updates from the program and accomplishments of those involved in it! Stay tuned!