In my opinion, public speaking is one of the most important clases one can take for professional development. I also had an awesome professor. From day one of this class, we were asked to step out of our comfort zone and improve on our techniques for speaking to people in a small or large crowd. I always thought I was pretty comfortable with public speaking, until I had to present on many different topics over the course of the semester rather than just biology related research presentations.
I included a group speech from the class that I and two of my classmates did about juuling. The title is catchy, which gains interest from the get go. We also learned to never assume people understand the jargon of the topic, so speak accordingly to a general audience. This project explained juuling, which is a current pandemic among college-aged people. The health risks associated were explained, yet humor was maintained to prevent a loss of interest or “lecture” type presentation.
Dean Roberts helped me become a better public speaker by teaching me how to prepare for my audience, organize a speech, and speak confidently. This will apply to me for the rest of my life, whether I am speaking in church or at a conference for my career.