01. First year Foundations: Inquiry into Citizenship: Citizen 110

Attached is the link to my annotated syllabus for our final project. The purpose of this project was for us to chose a topic we haven’t covered throughout the year and make an annotated lesson plan with links to articles. The topic I chose was the Evolution of Eugenics and Fertility. Eugenics was seen as a way to weed out the “unfit” population. Now the term eugenics is not seen, but fertility can be used instead. Couples are able to pick their babies characteristics in this generation making them more “fit” to succeed. This was an intriguing project allowing us to explore more on a topic we had briefly touched on in class.

When I began Citizen 110 Bodies and Citizens, I thought it was going to be about bodily autonomy in medical perspectives since I was a nursing student. But instead, it was a history class speaking about current event issues such as abortion and euthanasia. This class was very eye opening by allowing students to express their opinions without judgment. By having this be my first ever honors class it made me fall in love with honors. It is where I gained my honors support system and knew they would always have my back.