Queer Virginia (CTZN 410)

For my symposium on the common good course, I took the Queer Virginia course offered by Dr. Hannah Dudley-Shotwell. This course was focused on queer history, intersectionality of marginalized identities, and queer issues in Virginia schools and government. This course was very projects based and we were all a part of committees for a class website.

I worked on the outreach, promotion, and social media committee, averaging about 3 posts per week on the instagram, honing in to my creativity through use of the Canva app, helped another committee member make TikToks, managed a LinkTree, and helped to host a campus forum and advertise about the course and our symposium day presentations.

Another group project was our symposium day videos. This year’s symposium day theme was ‘E Pluribus Unum,’ out of many, one. The queer Virginia course fits this theme because the queer community is one umbrella term for many identities and the queer community is one of countless communities that make up the world’s population. Click the link below to watch the video my partner and I made regarding resources and access for queer students at Longwood University.


Follow along @QueerHeartofVA