This was a fantastic class that taught me how to see the racism that is embedded in the system. I also learned that racial discrimination is different than being racist. Our system is considered racist because it applies racist ideologies while a person or action can be discriminatory. I also learned about media representation and how it is not accurate given the demographics of the United States, although it is improving with time. This class really moved me. It prepared me for conversations with people with opposing views, and it gave me a little faith in humanity because it reminded me that people are trying to make an effort to correct things.
Our final project was supposed to be a creative arts project that resembled something we learned throughout the course. I did an acrylic painting on stretched canvas that is titled “Resilient Woman.” I painted a silhouette of a Black woman with afro-styled hair with her chin up with an abstract background resembling fire. It was meant to symbolize that she is still able to make it through the day despite the “fire,” hate, and oppressions around her. Also, it can symbolize the multitude of oppressions women of color face as opposed to white women because of the intersection of her being a Black woman.