Goal 2.1

This goal discusses how to evaluate, interpret, and apply experimental design and draw valid conclusions from experiments. I believe that at my time here at Longwood, I have shown growth in this area through my experiments in BIOL 250 and BIOL 326. The project that started to make me fall in love with biology at the molecular level was BIOL 250. This class was an introduction to cell biology and genetics. In the lab for this class we tested for cilantro aversion using Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms. If you asked me what that meant in BIOL 250 I could not tell you what it means but however now I believe I could explain it well. This experiment tested to see if your phenotype matched your genotype. This was a great introductory experiment that taught me vital techniques. For example, this experiment set the foundation for PCR, Gel electrophoresis and SnapGene Viewer. However in BIOL 326 was a little tougher we induced the transcription factor dFOXO and saw how that had an impact on the PEPCK gene. This experiment was a lot harder and took a lot more labs to finish. Before this class I had never had to stay the whole 3 hours of lab. We first had to culture cells which was already more difficult than the first experiment. After PCR was conducted but not just that specifically qPCR which was new for me. I definitely that my skills in my 250 class helped me through that new technique. We also then did DNA purification. This was very good practice. Finally, nandropping was done which is used to check the abundance of DNA. These are just some of the skills and experiences that i was able to gather at my time here at Longwood. However, not only that but this also shows my growth as a student. I am very proud at the growth I have made in knowing the terminology of the methods for PCR. These kinds of skills and knowledge matters because if you want to work in a molecular lab than these procedures are a must to know. My career goal is to further my education with a Master’s degree and someday a PhD in biomedical science specifically molecular medicine, so these standard techniques and experimental designs are crucial to know to achieve my goal. Some of the difficulty that I went through during these experimental design was some labs not being able to do the labs because my parents would want to do it so we would have to rotate. Now that I have acquired these skills I apply them to the current research I am doing in Dr. Shanle’s lab. On my own I culture cells, do PCR, purify the DNA, and then nanodrop, this genuinely makes me happy because I never thought I would be able to do this if you asked me freshmen or even sophomore year. 

