Goal 1.1

This goal talks about identifying and describing the major principles of Biology. I am not going to lie. When I first arrived on campus I did not know any major principles of Biology. I was not even sure if I liked Biology. I was going towards the medical route but first I had to get through this hump named, “Biology”. My first class that discussed the major principles was BIOL 120, which was usually start for many students who wanted a Bachelors od Science  in Biology. In this course I did a project with three other people that looked at plant growth at different distances from the WIFI router. This taught me crucial principles of Biology like it taught me about the environmental aspects with plant growth. I loved doing the research of it. Learning how much water it needed, the amount of soil, the amount of sunlight and how it all effects the calvin cycle or glycolysis  I never knew that this little project would spark my love for Biology but it did. Getting to work on projects that do not have a definitive answer is such a thriller for me. I still remember messing up on my presentation. I got up to present with my group ad Dr. Jackson helped us do our graph and told us to add error bars. At the time I had no idea what error bars were but I did not mind them and continued to work. I fast forward to presentation time and Dr. Jackson asks our group if our data is significant. I glance at the slide and one bar is bigger so i say, “yes there is a significant difference”. I felt embarrassed that i got that wrong. At the time I did not know that the error bars overlapping meant it was not significant. Fast forward 3 semester and I am taking BIOL 309 which is plant biology. This then gave me a deeper understanding of how different chemicals like Phosphorus, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Carbon affect plant growth. This widen my understanding of the principles of biology and it incorporated some chemistry as well. A paper I wrote about GMOs and how they are misinterpreted in the media was definitely what made me fall in love with Biology as a whole. All these new concepts really shaped me and the  scientist that I will become. Now that I have gained these new found skills I will continue to learn about the principles of Biology because It is a topic that has so much depth. I will definitely use this experience for future research or lab work that I am apart of in order to succeed.

